International Dialling Codes (Prefixes)
An international dialling code (or prefix) is used to make an international phone call out of a country. These codes are also referred to as international access codes, international direct dialling (IDD) codes and exit codes.
In Australia the IDD code is 0011 for voice calls, in the U.S. it is 011 and in the UK it is 00. The codes vary from country to country. Three example calls are given below.
Example call from Australia to the UK:
0011 (Australian IDD code) + 44 (UK) + 7651 123 123 (mobile number without the 0)
Example call from the U.S. to Sydney, Australia:
011 (U.S. IDD code) + 61 (Australia) + 2 (Sydney) 8765 1234 (local number)
Example call from the UK to Sydney, Australia:
00 (UK IDD code) + 61 (Australia) + 2 (Sydney) 8765 1234 (local number)
So basically, to make a call out of a country, the caller must first dial that country's IDD code, then the destination country code, then the area code (usually) and the local phone number. If the call is to a mobile number, no area code is used.
The table below is a list of international dialling codes by country. Codes with X represent the various telephone carrier specific codes within that country.
Country Specific International Dialling Codes
Country (A to K) | Code | Country (L to Z) | Code |
Afghanistan | 00 | Laos | 00 |
Albania | 00 | Latvia | 00 |
Algeria | 00 | Lebanon | 00 |
American Samoa | 011 | Lesotho | 00 |
Andorra | 00 | Liberia | 00 |
Angola | 00 | Libya | 00 |
Anguilla | 011 | Liechtenstein | 00 |
Antigua and Barbuda | 011 | Lithuania | 00 |
Argentina | 00 | Luxembourg | 00 |
Armenia | 00 | Macau | 00 |
Aruba | 00 | Macedonia | 00 |
Ascension | 00 | Madagascar | 00 |
Australia | 0011 | Malawi | 00 |
Austria | 00 | Malaysia | 00 |
Azerbaijan | 00 | Maldives | 00 |
Bahamas | 011 | Mali | 00 |
Bahrain | 00 | Malta | 00 |
Bangladesh | 00 | Marshall Islands | 011 |
Barbados | 011 | Martinique | 00 |
Barbuda | 011 | Mauritania | 00 |
Belarus | 810 | Mauritius | 00 |
Belgium | 00 | Mayotte | 00 |
Belize | 00 | Mexico | 00 |
Benin | 00 | Micronesia | 011 |
Bermuda | 011 | Midway Island | 00 |
Bhutan | 00 | Moldova | 00 |
Bolivia | 00 | Monaco | 00 |
Bonaire | 00 | Mongolia | 001 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 00 | Montenegro | 00 |
Botswana | 00 | Montserrat | 011 |
Brazil | 00 | Morocco | 00 |
British Virgin Islands | 011 | Mozambique | 00 |
Brunei Darussalam | 00 | Myanmar (Burma) | 00 |
Bulgaria | 00 | Namibia | 00 |
Burkina Faso | 00 | Nauru | 00 |
Burundi | 00 | Nepal | 00 |
Cambodia | 00x | Netherlands | 00 |
Cameroon | 00 | Netherlands Antilles | 00 |
Canada | 011 | Nevis | 011 |
Cape Verde | 00 | New Caledonia | 00 |
Caribbean Netherlands | 00 | New Zealand | 00 |
Cayman Islands | 00 | Nicaragua | 00 |
Central African Republic | 011 | Niger | 00 |
Chad | 00 | Nigeria | 009 |
Chile | 1xx0 | Niue | 00 |
China (PRC) | 00 | Norfolk Island | 00 |
Christmas Island | 00 | Northern Mariana Islands | 011 |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 00 | Norway | 00 |
Colombia | 00x | Oman | 00 |
Comoros | 00 | Pakistan | 00 |
Congo (Brazzaville) | 00 | Palau | 011 |
Congo (formerly Zaire) | 00 | Palestinian territories | 00 |
Cook Islands | 00 | Panama | 00 |
Costa Rica | 00 | Papua New Guinea | 00 |
Cote d'Ivoire | 00 | Paraguay | 00 |
Croatia | 00 | Peru | 00 |
Cuba | 119 | Philippines | 00 |
Curacao | 00 | Poland | 00 |
Cyprus | 00 | Portugal | 00 |
Czech Republic | 00 | Puerto Rico | 011 |
Denmark | 00 | Qatar | 00 |
Diego Garcia | 00 | Reunion | 00 |
Djibouti | 00 | Romania | 00 |
Dominica | 011 | Russia | 8xx |
Dominican Republic | 011 | Rwanda | 00 |
East Timor | 00 | Saba | 00 |
Easter Island | 00 | Samoa | 0 |
Ecuador | 00 | San Marino | 00 |
Egypt | 00 | Sao Tome and Príncipe | 00 |
El Salvador | 00 | Saudi Arabia | 00 |
Equatorial Guinea | 00 | Senegal | 00 |
Eritrea | 00 | Serbia | 00 |
Estonia | 00 | Seychelles | 00 |
Ethiopia | 00 | Sierra Leone | 00 |
Falkland Islands | 00 | Singapore | 00x |
Faroe Islands | 00 | Sint Maarten | 00 |
Fiji | 00 | Slovakia | 00 |
Finland | 00, 99x, 99xx, 99xxx | Slovenia | 00 |
France | 00 | Solomon Islands | 00 |
French Antilles | 00 | Somalia | 00 |
French Guiana | 00 | South Africa | 00 |
French Polynesia | 00 | South Georgia | 00 |
Gabon | 00 | Spain | 00 |
Gambia | 00 | Sri Lanka | 00 |
Georgia | 00, 8xx | Sudan | 00 |
Germany | 00 | Suriname | 00 |
Ghana | 00 | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | 00 |
Gibraltar | 00 | Swaziland | 00 |
Greece | 00 | Sweden | 00 |
Greenland | 00 | Switzerland | 00 |
Grenada | 011 | Syria | 00 |
Guadeloupe | 00 | Taiwan (ROC) | 00x |
Guam | 011 | Tajikistan | 810 |
Guatemala | 00 | Tanzania | 000 |
Guernsey | 00 | Thailand | 001 |
Guinea | 00 | Togo | 00 |
Guinea-Bissau | 00 | Tokelau | 00 |
Guyana | 001 | Tonga | 00 |
Haiti | 011 | Trinidad and Tobago | 011 |
Honduras | 00 | Tunisia | 00 |
Hong Kong | 00x, 00xx | Turkey | 00 |
Hungary | 00 | Turkmenistan | 810 |
Iceland | 00 | Turks and Caicos Islands | 011 |
India | 00 | Tuvalu | 00 |
Indonesia | 00x | Uganda | 000 |
Iran | 00 | Ukraine | 00 |
Iraq | 00 | United Arab Emirates | 00 |
Ireland | 00 | United Kingdom | 00 |
Isle of Man | 00 | United States of America | 011 |
Israel | 01x | Uruguay | 00 |
Italy | 00 | Uzbekistan | 810 |
Jamaica | 011 | Vanuatu | 00 |
Japan | 010 | Venezuela | 00 |
Jersey | 00 | Vatican City State | 00 |
Jordan | 00 | Vietnam | 00 |
Kazakhstan | 810 | Virgin Islands | 011 |
Kenya | 00x | Wake Island | 00 |
Kiribati | 00 | Wallis and Futuna | 00 |
Korea (North Korea) | 00 | Yemen | 00 |
Korea (South Korea) | 00x, 00xxx | Zambia | 00 |
Kuwait | 00 | Zanzibar | 00 |
Kyrgyzstan | 00 | Zimbabwe | 00 |
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If you have noticed an error with any of the codes on this page or if you believe a code is out of date please let us know about it. Our contact details are available on the Contact Us page.
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on this website, IDD offers no warranties in relation to this information.